The average house price on THE MILL COLLEGE STREET is £332,041
The most expensive house in the street is 1213 CRANFIELD TOWERS THE MILL COLLEGE STREET with an estimated value of £348,398
The cheapest house in the street is 707 QUAYSIDE THE MILL COLLEGE STREET with an estimated value of £304,353
The house which was most recently sold was 901 FOUNDRY THE MILL COLLEGE STREET, this sold on 10 Jul 2009 for £187,000
The postcode for THE MILL COLLEGE STREET is IP4 1FP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1213 CRANFIELD TOWERS THE MILL COLLEGE STREET Flats/Maisonettes £348,398 £187,000 29 May 2009
901 FOUNDRY THE MILL COLLEGE STREET Flats/Maisonettes £343,373 £187,000 10 Jul 2009
707 QUAYSIDE THE MILL COLLEGE STREET Flats/Maisonettes £304,353 £165,750 10 Jul 2009